AHRI Certifications

About the AHRi certification

AHRI’s globally recognized and industry respected certification program helps you, as equipment and component manufacturers, sell more products, win bids, differentiate yourselves from competitors, and comply with government requirements.
When specifiers and other decision makers see that your equipment bears the AHRI Certified®mark, it will provide them with the assurance that your equipment will perform accurately and consistently, thus helping you win more bids.

Cronos series

HS09KCH27S: AHRI-7117079

HS12KCH27S: AHRI-7117081

HS18KCH27S: AHRI-7117103

HS24KCH27S: AHRI-7117101

Gaia series

CZ09KCH22S: AHRI-7181265

CZ12KCH22S: AHRI-7181266

CZ18KCH22S: AHRI-7181269

CZ24KCH22S: AHRI-7181270

CZ30KCH22S: AHRI-7117085

CZ36KCH22S: AHRI-7117083

Hercule series

AT09KCH16S: AHRI-7117087

AT12KCH16S: AHRI-7117089

AT18KCH16S: AHRI-7117113

AT24KCH16S: AHRI-7117091

Console single zone

CS09KCH27S: AHRI-7117105

CS12KCH27S: AHRI-7117107

Multi zone series

MZO18KCH16S: AHRI-7117093

MZO24KCH16S: AHRI-7117095

MZO30KCH16S: AHRI-7117097

MZO36KCH16S: AHRI-7117358

MZO42KCH16S: AHRI-7117359

Super multi zone series

MZO48KCH16S: AHRI-7117356

MZO56KCH16S: AHRI-7117357

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